I´m Gus

Love to build digital products & services that enhance the user’s experience being what we truly are âžž humans 🤸

I like to change / rethink / hack the things that surround us. Strive to evolve reality. Improve everyday interactions in the pursuit of a better life experience.

Enjoy fixing UX/UI problems — My therapist says I suffer pixel perfect obsession.

Believe in a future where technology will allow us to do more with less.

The good old days

Native of Buenos Aires, I studied Industrial Design at FADU in B.A. and had a design and communication studio in the city. It was a very experimental stage, full of learning. I worked on all kinds of projects for different sectors and with a diverse range of clients. Over time, I specialized in what I love most: the web. (photo of me working on Lavalle with two monitors)

The studio grew, my time at university ended, and I decided to travel for a while. I became a digital nomad and surfer, looking for spots with good waves and connectivity. (photo of me surfing or working on the beach)

There was a time when I lived in the Amazon rainforest. The jungle is a mystical place. You don’t need wifi to be connected. It was the most revealing time of my life. (photo of me in the wild jungle)

Currently, I live in Patagonia, a few blocks from a National Park. I live with my family, have two beautiful and strong children, and enjoy spending time in contact with nature. (photo of me in Patagonia)

I have my office in Lago Puelo where I work in an interconnected team with strategic collaborators and members of the community remotely, thanks to the magic of telecommunications.

When I’m not playing with pixels, I dedicate myself to gardening and cultivating wildflowers from the region. And when I have a little more free time, I become a carpenter. I love the nobility of wood, and I enjoy working with it and building things with it.

and also I

Angus Dei

Angus Dei was born as an alter-ego created with the purpose of overcoming my biases and imposter syndrome. By embodying this alter-ego, I am able to separate myself from my insecurities and approach challenges with a fresh perspective. Angus Dei empowers me to take on tasks and make decisions without the fear of judgment or failure, allowing me to grow both personally and professionally.

He channels the selflessness of a mythical designer with a sacrificial spirit, pouring his heart and soul into every design as if he were offering himself up for the betterment of humanity.

In this journey, we follow his path. 🙌