Design Consultant

The missing piece for your product's UI puzzle

As a design consultant, I specialize in helping programmers and development teams to elevate their digital products by applying effective design strategies. 

My goal is to help you create user interfaces that communicate, transmit, everything you want to achieve with your product.

By working closely with your team, we will analyze your specifics needs and goals, and provide tailored solutions that integrate seamlessly with the tools and technologies you use. 

Whether you are developing an App, a Website, a PWA or a Software, I will help you to enhance the user experience, increase engagement, and align your product with your brand and objectives.


Unlock the full potential of your digital products through the power of design

Contact me today to learn more about how I can support your project.

Why settle for subpar design when I can help you create impactful digital products?

If you’re developing a digital product, you know that creating an effective MVP requires a lot of brainstorming and coding. However, even if the code works flawlessly, the product may not be as impactful as you imagined, or worse yet, may leave users confused and uninterested.

As a developer, you understand the importance of providing a solution that meets your user’s needs, and that’s where design comes in…

Applying Design Principles can help you create a better user experience and differentiate your product from the competition.

Research shows that poor user experience is the main reason for app deletion, with over 90% of downloaded apps being deleted after a single use. Similarly, studies reveal that 80% of users never return to a low-user-experience website.

With the growing importance of omni-channel experiences, it’s more important than ever to focus on creating a satisfying user experience across all devices.

At my design consultancy, I specialize in helping development teams like yours create impactful digital products by applying UX/UI design principles tailored to your specific needs. By collaborating with your team, I can help you create a user-friendly interface that meets your users’ needs and sets your product apart.

Don’t let a lack of design expertise hold your product back.

Enhance your product's UI with expert design consultancy

I can help your team create a winning user experience that drives engagement and growth.

Designing for Success

How design can help your product stand out 🤩


When software is user-friendly and also works great, people will be attract and retain.

Lower development costs

Identifying the roadblocks and issues in UX before development will save you a lot of time on modifying code.

Faster development time

Great UX configuration and UI for your framework will save time in the development cycle.

Increase revenue

People prefer to download and pay for the application that is easy to use, beautifully design and that will bring them joy.

I can support your team to:

  • Develop a product that your users will love to use.
  • Save yourself the overhead in communication with a graphic designer who doesn’t understand how you work or the specific requirements of your job.
  • Get a more efficient design that takes into account technology, time, and resources. My approach considers all development requirements.
  • Reduce implementation times by designing starting from the technology you will use for development.
  • Avoid the frustration of having to layout interfaces from pixel-perfect mockups that are not meant to be responsive or scalable.
  • Steer clear of layout altogether or receive a ton of corrections. My designs seamlessly integrate with your development framework.
  • Escape the communication friction between designer-programmer. After all, we speak two different languages.
  • Focus on user-centered product development.
  • Get a user interface that understands your users’ behavior. A satisfied user is a recurring user.

What you get?

Every project has its own set of unique requirements and needs, which is why my services are tailored to meet those specific needs. 

I offer a range of features and solutions that we can customize to ensure the success of your project.

  • Product Design
  • Branding
  • Wireframe and UI Patterns
  • Prototyping
  • Information Architecture
  • User research and analysis
  • UX Audits
  • User Interface Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Design Systems
  • Web Development
  • & Consulting Meetings

🚀Boost your Digital Product with UX/UI Design

I´m Gus

Product Designer
& Web Developer

I started making websites in 2002.
It was the time when Internet Explorer 6 rules the galaxy.
Nothing can scare me. 👻

Years of expertise
Delivered Projects
Satisfied Clients
Design Sketches
Lines of Code

I'm the designer who can understand your problems, interpret what you need, and offer you a solution that fits you.

Together, we can deliver an exceptional user experience that drives engagement and growth for your digital product.

Clients Stories

Beeyond Media 🔒 ↴

Design Audit of the device management panel for media owners.

Supply Ocean ↴

Elevating Branding and User Experience in the Hotelier's Supply Ocean

Interactive Price List ↴

Online Auto Parts Catalog Design

Autominuto ↴

Revamping Autominuto for B2C Market Fit

Partners Testimonies